
Semi-permanent make-up FAQ's

Permanent Cosmetic Procedure Stages


Is semi-permanent make-up right for me?

It is great for -
• Frequent gym users
• People who have over-plucked their brows and want shape and definition adding back into their brows
• People who have very sparse/fine eyebrows
• If you’re a make-up wearer this treatment is great for you, one less thing to worry about in a morning!
• Or the other hand if you don’t wear make up a hairstroke brow would really compliment you and will not be too harsh

How long will my
make-up last?

There are many factors to consider with how long your semi-permanent make-up will last, including; your skincare routine, frequent holidays or sunbeds, oily or dry skin type, your aftercare and maintenance.


How do I choose the right

Choosing the right technician is a huge factor of getting semi-permanent make-up: at the end of the day it’s your face! Have a look at some of their previous work make sure you like their technique. Every SPMU artist works slightly differently, and have their own ways and effects. I will work closely with you to ensure the results are exactly as expected. I never use a 'one size fits all' approach, meaning your results will be as unique as you!

I have a holiday / event around the time of my procedure?

Going on holiday around the time of your procedure may it be prior or after this will impact and longevity the result of the tattoo. If you have an event you should post-pone the treatment until you have a clear diary… aftercare is a huge part of the results, you can not wear make-up and need to keep the tattooed area completely dry as possible for 7/10 days post treatment.

I’m on medication?

If you are on medication, is it for a long term or acute issue? If it is long-term you want to inform your technician and if it is a serious illness you need to get consent from your GP with a letter for your technician. If you’re only on short term medication for something like a cold or headache wait until its cleared up and your off the medication to gain best results and maintenance - sometimes medication can effect the result of your procedure.



This is the most common question I get asked. Of course everyone has a different tolerance for pain, but most people are surprised that they experience very little discomfort. Many describe the sensation as a “scratch” or “plucking feeling” and nothing as aggressive as a traditional tattoo.

6 to 8 weeks after your initial treatment, you may need a touch up. This is complimentary within 8 weeks. The pigment will fade over time but your results will last 9 months to three years, dependent on lifestyle. We recommend a touch-up every year for longer lasting results.

Hairstroke or powdered?

If you have sparse eyebrows or no hair at all then hairstroke is great for you! It’s a very natural technique that adds shape and volume back into the eyebrows however still being extremely soft and natural, mimicking the natural hair, however the powdered brow is great if you already have a very thick brows with your own hair, the hairstroke tattoo would get lost and you wouldn’t be able to see it.’ This kind of eyebrow is a lot more defined and looks as if you’ve coloured your brows in with an eyebrow pencil or powder.

Preparing for your new brows...

Discontinue Vitamin A/Retinol products one month prior to treatment.
No Botox
Do not Tan, Do not have any type of facial/peel treatment
Do not pick/tweeze/wax/perform electrolysis procedure
Do not take Fish Oil or Vitamin E
Do not tint your eyebrows
Do not drink alcohol Do not consume coffee
Do not take an aspirin or ibuprofen

Lip enhancements 

The perfect pout...

Lip tattoos take between three and 10 days to heal, depending on the size and depth of the treatment.
You don't need to take time off work following the procedure,  you’ll be pain free and healthy within hours.
The colour intensity will fade up to 40-60% after the first treatment, which is why we recommend a top up 4-6 weeks later.
The treatment is not painful, with most of our clients reporting only minor discomfort.
Full consultation is undertaken before treatment, and all treatments are performed by a qualified practitioner
Clients who have suffered from cold sores (Herpes virus – Herpes simplex) can experience symptoms of the infection after the treatment to the lips.
Anti-herpes medication is available over the counter or on prescription and has been shown to prevent or minimize such outbreaks.
Lips may appear very flaky/crusty for up to one week following the procedure.

Is a lip treatment right for me?

Lip liner and blush semi-permanent make-up is amazing for people who pencil their lip liner on every day it defines the lips and is one less thing to worry about when getting ready. It’s also a great treatment if you’ve lost pigmentation in the lip and lost your natural vermillion borderline. However something to take into consideration when thinking about getting your lip liner tattooed, if you get coldsores you will need to take a tablet form of medication approximately 3 days before your treatment to prevent a breakout. You may want to go with a bold and bright colour to suit your personality or a soft and subtle more natural just to enhance your lip colour slightly.


What does the treatment

During this procedure a simple eye ointment is inserted into the eye, to protect the eyeball from staining and ease discomfort/dryness. A topical anaesthetic gel is applied to the eyelid and allowed to work for 5 minutes. The eyelid is then scratched very lightly, this is not painful just slightly uncomfortable. 
You shouldn’t need to take time off work, in fact most of my clients return to work the same day.
The eyeliner treatment takes a few days to fully heal and for the pigment to settle into its permanent colour.

Preparing for eyeliner...

If you are a false eyelash lover whether it be strip lashes or semi-permanent you will need to remove them prior to your procedure, your technician cannot tattoo through them. You will need to keep them off until your eyeliner has fully healed approximately a month after having your last eyeliner procedure tattooed